

You and your friends have figured out the technology for time travel. You have all decided to go back to one point in history and affect one event or moment in a way that will change the future forever.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 5 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, '3' for your third, '4' for your fourth and ‘5’ for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Determine the possible consequences of our actions and how the future will be changed.

Create a presentation and share with all interested stakeholders the plans of my team.

Help others with their assigned tasks and just be around.

Work with a historian and an engineer whose help we will need to make our plan a success.

Design a plan of action for what we will do and how we will fit in when we travel back in time.



After many missions of travelling to the past, significant changes in technology have made travelling to the future also a possibility but it is a much more unstable technology than travelling to the past.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 4 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, and '3' for your third and 4 for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Focus only on travelling to the past until the technology becomes more stable.

Volunteer my team and myself to be pioneer travelers to the future.

Learn more about this new technology and the how people feel about it.

Keep working on making the technology stable even if it means changing it entirely.



A magic portal has sucked you and your friends into a fantastical land ruled by an evil warlord. Your sudden unexplained appearance has gained you the title of the chosen ones and you are now expected to save the land.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 5 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, '3' for your third, '4' for your fourth and ‘5’ for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Study the wicked warlord’s strengths and weaknesses and form tactics to defeat him.

Talk to the inhabitants and get to know them better so as to understand their points of view.

Live by the warlord’s rules and not cause any trouble.

Think up unexpected ways to diminish the warlord’s control without him being aware of it.

Work with the inhabitants to form a team which will help defeat the warlord.



You and your friends have defeated the warlord and have been appointed lords of the land, although some people are not happy with you being in charge.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 4 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, and '3' for your third and 4 for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Explore and learn about our new land, and get to know her citizens and their way of life.

Convince doubters we are the best people for the job who will change our ways to fit their wants.

Create new reforms to make things better and convince the people we know what is best.

Step back and allow someone else to be in charge.



You’re part of the crew of a spaceship tasked with exploring space, and have discovered a previously unknown planet. You and your team have no idea if the planet and its inhabitants are friendly or hostile.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 5 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, '3' for your third, '4' for your fourth and ‘5’ for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Stay on the spaceship and just watch the aliens.

Conjure up ways to explore the planet without being discovered.

Make contact with the alien species and learn their language whilst teaching it ours.

Approach the ship's doctor, environmentalist and communications expert to brainstorm a plan.

From the spaceship observation deck, gather data about the planet and the alien species.



Your spaceship is damaged and you are stuck on a planet with less developed technology. You and your crew will have to get used to a new life and a lot of them are not happy about this.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 4 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, and '3' for your third and 4 for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Negotiate with the aliens to co-exist in this new planet and lead an alien-earthling alliance.

Get to know the aliens and the new planet better to see how everyone can fit in.

Tell the crew to do what works for them and process their own unhappiness.

Make a small part of the planet similar to Earth, finding alternatives for what cannot be recreated.



The zombie apocalypse is upon us. You and your community have to protect yourselves from a zombie invasion and from being turned into zombies.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 5 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, '3' for your third, '4' for your fourth and ‘5’ for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Stay far away from the zombies to keep myself safe.

Form a team with other members of the community to form a 'watch'.

Invent a device that would discourage zombies from coming anywhere near us.

Ascertain what it would take to defeat the zombies should they get too close.

Talk to the community and find out from the community what their idea of being kept safe is.



Fighting zombies is no longer working as it is risky and difficult. Also, the zombie population is increasing at an exponential rate. Something else needs to be done to deal with the zombies.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 4 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, and '3' for your third and 4 for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Develop a cure, regardless of how much time it may take and the trial and error I will have to go through.

Ask everyone I can about different opinions of co-existing with or dealing with the zombies.

Play the waiting game until someone finds a cure or vaccine.

Propose to lead a team in a perilous quest to find a new place to live that is free from zombies.



You have just discovered that you have a superpower and have volunteered to use it to become a superhero and make the world a better place.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 5 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, '3' for your third, '4' for your fourth and ‘5’ for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Have a major press conference and explain what your superpower is and how it will be used.

Analyse how I think my superpower can be used and what world problem it can combat.

Design a costume and create tools that best complement and enhance my superpower.

Let my power take control and see where it leads me.

Look for a team of other superheros and join them.



Because of general fear and mistrust of anything different and not understood, new laws have been passed making the display and usage of superpowers illegal.
Which task would you like to be assigned to?
These are the 4 tasks that need to be done. Rank the tasks based on the task you would most like to be assigned to, to the task you would least like to be assigned to.
From the drop down menu, select '1' for your first choice, '2' for your second, and '3' for your third and 4 for your last.
(Don’t worry - the other tasks won’t be neglected - they will just be assigned to someone else.)
Come forward and reveal myself as someone with superpowers in spite of the risks.

Obey the laws and stop using my superpower.

Keep using my powers for good, even if it means changing my life and living with a secret identity.

Discover how these superpowers are being used why they make people uncomfortable.


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